Reduce special
educator workload so they can focus on the craft, not logistics.

Leverage technology to automate, streamline, and simplify case management.

Managed. is a custom built Case Management solution for schools, districts, and teachers. Our easy-to-use platform automates compliance and associated tasks, allowing teachers and support staff to focus on students.

Interested in learning more about how Managed. can help you reduce teacher workload?

"Managed. helps me stay ahead of my deadlines and streamlines communication with my families. Working in this system allows me to be a more patient and creative teacher."
Abra Houchin,
Special Education Teacher
Current Reality
Current Reality
Endless attempts to confirm meetings, dates, and times.
Automatic reminders and confirmations of meeting attendance.
Busy parents and general education teachers struggle to stay engaged in process.
Surveys sent in advance to guardians and general education teachers; responses collected and shared with case managers
Teachers spending their time completing, filing out and sending home paperwork.
Teachers spend their time on meeting the needs of their students.
Multidisciplinary teams rushing through IEP and Evaluation Processes for upcoming meetings.
Multidisciplinary teams working collaboratively and methodically to complete the IEP and Evaluation Processes.
Shortcuts that can lead to procedural violations:
  • Missing a formal notice of meeting
  • Not sending a draft home
  • Forgetting to finalize and send home finalized IEPs
Managed. tracks what has been done and will continue to remind you if you have tasks not completed. And with Managed. all documents are sent home for you, too!
Teachers “reinventing the wheel” each year to find best practices and solutions.
A custom-built system that Manages tasks for you and organizes your Caseload.
Curious about how Managed. is changing the game for special education teachers and students?

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